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A vast majority of callers are male and earn more than $30,000/yr. Lisa Suarez).Ī husband and wife strip couple filmed at Big Al's in Peoria, IL.Ī brief segment about phone sex which grossed $400 million last year (1989?). It spawned a spin-off series called Pornucopia.Ī striptease class taught by LaGioconda (a.k.a. Older episodes as well as 'best-of' episodes are frequently re-aired during late nights on HBO. Segments are separated by street interviews with random people, relating to the episode's topics. Jones described the fare in The Essential HBO Reader as 'a peek into the diversity of sexual activities.with an emphasis that ranges from the unusual to the bizarre.' The show typically explores three to four topics each episode. As its name implies, Real Sex is a sexually explicit 'magazine' which 'explores sex '90s style.' Real Sex is a documentary television series broadcast on and a production of HBO. ( December 2012) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. This article possibly contains original research.

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